Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The unicorn hunt is on!

My student who funds my showing habit is looking for her very first horse.  I, as her instructor, have been set on the task of test driving these critters and deciding who is worth her going out to see.

This kid needs a mythical creature.  She's a good rider, in the sense that she has good equitation and her seat is pretty decent.  But she's passive.  She does very little except vaguely suggest direction.  I need a packer supreme.

I'm going to try to give as little detail as possible in posts discussing the horses I try, because what I pass on, they are still trying to sell.  And I don't even want to come off like I am bashing these horses either.  Sometimes they are just not what I expected...

Horse #1 from a couple of weeks ago was a total bust.  It was three inches shorter than originally described.  It was actually not a bad mover, but there was a lot of stumbling going on, likely due to the fact that it was due for a trim (which the owner acknowledged, not sure why they didn't have me wait til after the farrier came).  She was also extremely unbalanced and under-muscled.  Steering was almost non-existent, no brakes, but that probably had some to do with her being unbalanced.  Just a lot of stuff going on there with that one.  Did refuse a jump but did fine after that.  Honestly, a lot of potential in that one for someone who could take the time...but I need something that's ready to go for this kid.

Horse #2 today was more her speed, but also needed feet done and there is a significant crack in one of the front feet that concerns me.  Same issues, steering was not a thing for this horse, and pretty unbalanced to boot.  Again, probably a lot to do with the feet needing done - in fact, I didn't even feel comfortable jumping they were so bad.  At least the height was right this time, but on the opposite end of things - almost bigger than we really need.  He could easily use his size against her if she started letting him get away with things.  A little dead to the aids, which is a concern, because she is already such a passive rider.  Not sure she will be able to make #2 do anything, because I practically begged for every step.  Again, #2 could use it's size against her if it decided to just not do anything.  Even the owner mentioned this.

But, I'm willing to go back with my student, who we will call "M" for the sake of her privacy (I don't really like identifying/discussing other people's kids so much online...).  Tomorrow I'm heading to try horse #3.  We will see what happens!

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